The beginnings

The most difficult part is always at the beginning. And I was having troubles with my beginnings. Everybody else was blogging all over on everything under the sun and beyond. I had to blog too. To create a blog  was not difficult. It was just a click and a password away. To decide on a travel blog was also not difficult. Travelling is something I love to do and enjoy immensely and photography is a passion. So when I decided on a travel blog where I could put in all my travel experiences with photographs, I had not realised it would be really difficult to name the blog.  I wanted a name which was short, crisp, memorable and that would convey and describe what it represented. I scoured my brain for a name. Came up with a few which were discarded on the way. After some tossing and turning (and inputs from my better half)  TravelLenz was born. Click and Enjoy.

7 responses to “The beginnings

  • Nisha

    Loved the name of your blog! and thanks for your comments on mine!

  • sumantha ghosh

    very nice indeed….u guys must come to the periphery Corbett Tiger Reserve of Uttarakhand where homestays are being promoted..they will benifit with such lovely writing as you people do.

    Kindest regards
    Sumantha Ghosh

  • Praseeda

    Started off by reading “Joy of self-timed photographs” – loved it… hopefully will soon get time to read your actual travel experiences.. I like the way you express yourself, you can really connect with the readers…keep on writing!!

  • AshaRani Mathur

    Dear TravelLenz, I loved seeing the pictures of the Root Bridge in Meghalaya, and have down loaded the article to read at leisure and see the pix again. I am an avid traveller, but my age and arthritis no longer permit too much adventure on my part! So, through your eyes and pix, I will be able to “visit” these wonderful places. Thank you so much, and I wish you all the best…

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